Hello “CARA BIN BON BAND people”! Welcome to our channel!
There are many who write to us asking us to greet you in our videos, and we have thought a fun way to do it! Pay close attention!
All those who help us invent our own series 5 of the Superzings will be named in one of our videos.
To do this, you just have to draw a hero or villain, take a picture and send it, before November 25, 2019, to our email address, indicated in the video.
We know that there are already hundreds of Superzings and it can be difficult to find objects, food or drinks that have not been drawn yet, but surely with a little imagination or asking an adult or friend you get it! We are sure of it!
The drawings can be in color or black and white, in addition to having any size, although to make them look good in the video, we advise you to be as large as possible.
In the message you send us, also indicate your name, surname, city and age … And of course, as your character is called, the object, food or drink it represents and a brief description of its super powers.
With all the drawings received we will make a video that will include all the proposals submitted, we will not leave any out, and the best, we will also greet each one of the authors.
Finally, we remind you that in CARA BIN BON BAND we have made the Superzings song that plays in the background in this video and a video game in which Enigma has to pick up Kazoon capsules and face villains of the series, 1, 2 , 3 and 4!
You can listen to our song and play the video game of the Superzings from our website, www.carabinbonband.com or browsing our video channel.
Without more, remember, you have until November 25, 2019 to send us your character and be greeted in one of our videos!
Subscribe to our channel and give LIKE and share this video!
We look forward to your drawing and your comments!
Looking forward to your collaboration!
#Superzings #Superzings5 #SuperzingsSerie5